Monday, September 22, 2008

What love is?

Sweetie pie,

I love that fact that you are assertive, would I want a pushover ... no thank you very much. You always have my best interests at heart, even when I don't, and push me to make myself a better person. You teach me things and you complement my personality ..... I wouldn't change you for anything.

I love you


shan said...

No prizes for guessing who's who! ;)

Stxxl said...

hmm, a)she misquoted me ... kind off and b) she picked a little email comment out of context and posted it ... but it's ok I know I have never been the creative type

shan said...

AHHHHHH, you are finally reading her blog.

Can you be a guest contributor too? i.e. when jess is happy, you get to write. when she's not, you don't.

*vicious* friend...

Miss you too, Mr. Pounds!

J xxx said...

He is added as a contributor. And I am teaching him how to work blogger :)

shan said...

Where's the entry on your Venice and Paris trip? Me holding my breath... :)

xoxoxo wish you are here with me! Then we can go crazy shopping!!!