In 2008, Mr. P and I have only been without each other for a grand total of 6 nights and this doesn't look to be increasing as the year winds down. In the preceeding year (since I moved in), we were separated for just 5 nights.
Aren't we sick of each other yet? No. On the contrary. He and I are starting to look like the First Couple of Pickled Pelican (and the running joke is he'll probably propose on the front steps); sickeningly sweet to the point of making everyone around us gag (hahaha).
So what's with the blab about couples needing their own space; leading separate lives; taking vacations with friends?
I am not questioning the good judgement of the above actions, afterall we shouldn't put all our eggs in one basket (just in case). On the flipside, those are also good tools to avoid complacency in a relationship - spending alone time may make a person miss their partner, etc. (I am not making a convincing argument because my experience has shown that less time together = I don't need a partner.)
But Mr. P and I are not built that way. And no, the 2 of us don't just do 'couple things'. Mr. P and I get out with mates together; he and I go on holiday with family and friends together; 2 of us do sports and work drinks together, etc.
The active word here is together not we - despite spending all the free time with each other, I am still my own person and so is he. He helps to nurture, support and encourage me and my interests; vice versa.
Ahh... love!